Wednesday, April 15, 2015

L'Oreal 4p's & Leveraging

"Because you're worth it"- Undoubtedly talking about the most prominent skin care brand L’Oreal. L’Oreal is a cosmetics, skin care, hair care brand which has grabbed a lot of attention from the consumers specially the female consumers’ heart. It has lots of beauty care products. The women who are conscious about their beauty, want to look more professional trendy hair style they actually prefer the brand. Extraordinary is worth celebrating. The women who want high intensity covers love L’Oreal. They told once “WE can grow gracefully- or gorgeously. I pick both.” 

The products are for the consumer’s eyes, lips, nails, hair development. It contains hair color, hair styling, and hair care products. The skin care products are the truth about aging, moisturizers, treatments, cleansers, make up removers, sun care, self-tanner etc.
L'Oreal’s innovations always start from its luxury brands then penetrate to the brands in different price level and different markets eventually implemented in its consumer brands. The prices of this products are highly moderate, what this brand charges is worth giving. It has the proper pricing strategy for each and every brand of their product line. If the quality is higher than another they charge a little bit more than the other product. So basically they are following contrast of value based & benefit pricing. 

Their position statement for L'Oreal products from the Garnier Institute are: "The combination of beauty and fashion". On the other hand position statement for all other L'Oreal products are: "All natural, all for you”. So by highlighting their natural factor they are differentiating themselves form others. Their distribution is highly appreciated because each and every cosmetic shop, their target consumers can get our desired products from the brand L’Oreal, so consumers are not disappointed by their distribution channel in any ways rather they are highly satisfied to have this renowned brands beside their hands. L’Oreal told their consumers” The more you tell us the more customized your beauty picks will be.” they appreciate their consumers to participate in giving their opinions about their brands and tell them actually what their consumers want. 

If we have a closer look then we will see that they follow some innovative techniques to promote their brands. They have leveraged the brand with celebrity endorsement. In perspective of Asia they highlight celebrity’s like- Aishwarya Rai. They have reputed brand ambassadors as well. It’s the first company in America to receive the EDGE (Economic Dividends for Gender Equality) certification, which recognizes companies for their gender practices. This makes it the sixth company around the globe to be certified. So their 3rd party sources play a vital role to leverage the brand. At last it can be said that if L’Oreal is able to minimize its product costs to some extent then it will be easier for them to retain large amount of customers. Because a lot of people might have willingness to buy their products but can’t afford to buy them for their high pricing. 

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Friday, February 27, 2015

RADHUNI~ Brand Positioning & Value Chain

Spice industry of Bangladesh has drastically changed in last one decade. The complex socioeconomic condition increased the acceptance of ready-made powder spices. Recently availability & demand of packed powder spices indicate that market for spices product in Bangladesh is increasingly gaining momentum.
As we know before 2000 there was no local brand of spice powder, so by identifying the potential need & market opportunity SCPL (Square Consumer Products Ltd.) introduced quality branded turmeric powder under the brand name “RADHUNI” in 2001. The flagship spice brand “RADHUNI” became market leader by obtaining 64% market share & awarded as the top brand in the local category at Best Brand Award Bangladesh 2013.
This brand is specially targeted to both educated urban housewives & service holders as they are the main decision makers of purchasing of spice powder in the family. It is a high standard quality powder spice.
The direct competitors of Radhuni are PRAN, BD, Pure, Arku & the indirect competitors are the open spice marketers. Where all these brands positioned themselves as a symbol of hygienic, real taste, pure taste & refined spice there Radhuni has able to positioned themselves successfully & create a distinctive value by showing their different attributes. The factors that help Radhuni to position themselves successfully within a short span of time are – quality, convenience & time saving. Ultimately, these factors drew the attention of their target customers.
Radhuni has achieved the straddle position by following all the competitive & correlation POP’s of all other brands like-  
  • Purity, authentic taste, consistent quality & affordable
  • Best selective ingredients/ raw materials
  • Less time consuming
But still Radhuni is able to portray distinguish brand image in their consumer’s mind. The POD’s that they highlight during their communication are –
  •  Assurance of standard quality
  •  Balanced amounts of ingredients
Which is not highlighted by any other spice brands.
As people are more health conscious, so from the very beginning Radhuni was able to build a strong resonance in their consumer’s life which gave the brand a strong identity & meaning. The salience factor of the brand is developed very creatively. The emotional advertisement appeal & slice of life execution style illustrates the recall factor. People are able to associate the brand more with different situations of their life.
The competitive superiority that Radhuni has gained is their customer’s strong feelings & attachment with the brand. Besides this vast range of customers & successful maintenance of the satisfied distribution channel are the multipliers that helps to create a positive mindset of their customers. The market performance of Radhuni is quite satisfactory. The loyal customers are willing to pay more for its strong resonance. On the other hand, they magnificently extended their product line that gets a positive feedback from their targeted customers. It increased the demand & for economies of scale they are able to reduce their manufacturing cost.

According to my observation Radhuni should focus on –
  •   Developing new user group
  •   Promotional activity should be continued
  •   Launching new value adding products.


